The Suitcase of Courage

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From Depleted to Disciplined: Meet Laurel Gallion!

Two years ago, Laurel Gallion, from FUJIFILM Diosynth NC, would find herself spending the majority of the weekend in bed recovering from the week. She had zero motivation, was exhausted continuously, had brain fog, elevated blood pressure, elevated blood sugars, elevated cholesterol and inflammatory markers and was on ten different medications. It was then she began to think about what she could to feel better and lose weight.

“This is on me” was the realization that led her to contact a fellow nurse who she knew had gone through a similar health and weight loss transformation a year prior and could relate to. After seeing photos of this woman’s transformation and heard her story, Laurel knew that if Ashley could do it, so could she.

Over the next 6-7 months Laurel got the weight off by following a specific nutrition program and lost 65 pounds! After that she started walking consistently then using the Peloton app for indoor cycling and strength workouts.

Over the course of her two year health transformation, she learned that she had to release the “all of nothing” thinking that would often derail her from her goals. She realized that it’s about consistency and being committed even when she has a setback or eats something “unhealthy.” These things are normal and should be expected as part of the process of making healthy changes. They aren’t reasons to give up and quit.

Today, Laurel is living life to the fullest, taking no medications, training for the Jingle Run 5K in December, and coaching others through their weight loss and nutrition journeys!

Through her coaching and ongoing learning, she’s understanding the value of strength-training and exercising for longevity and life span. Each year, she participates in a mental challenge for herself called 75 Hard which consists of 75 days of exercising twice a day, no alcohol, taking a progress photo, and reading 10 pages of a positive book. This dials her focus back in and proves to her that she can accomplish hard things.

Laurel, you’re a prime example of turning your life around and taking matters into your own hands one step at a time! We’re deeply proud of your commitment, accomplishments and desire to help others succeed!

If you’re inspired by Laurel’s story or would love to ask her a question regarding her wellness path, you can reach out to her at

Remember, it’s never too late to do the things you want to do and live a healthy life!

Keep reaching for your goals!

Your Suitcase of Courage Team