Meet SoC Team Member, Chad!

Meet me on the Mountain

Today we are sharing about the newest member of our team, Chad Lubinski! Chad is a Corrective Movement Specialist working with our FujiFilm team in Pueblo, Colorado .

A fun fact about Chad is he met Cameron in 2021 at the summit of Mt. Hood - Oregon's tallest mountain. They climbed down together, had coffee in the parking lot and stayed in contact ever since. When Chad moved to Wyoming around the same time SOC picked up the FujiFilm Pueblo site, Cam knew he was the right fit for The Suitcase of Courage.

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Chad went to college in Minnesota, then started his "career" job in Criminal Justice in Oregon. He spent nine years in Oregon and then moved to the plains of Wyoming to pursue videography and entrepreneurship.

Health and Fitness as told by Chad:

“In fifth grade I went through a rough patch of being bullied. It was at that point that I figured I should probably start working out so I can start holding my own. I've been in love with fitness ever since.”

I do some sort of work out every day to prepare for thru hiking, jiu jitsu, mountaineering, splitboarding, rock climbing, hunting or ultra running. 

This year, Chad is looking forward to making strides in his mobility, flexibility and back strength. After being recently diagnosed with a bulged L4 disc and a full blown herniation at L5/S1he knows this will be important to maintain his passions and pursuits.

His ideal goals are to climb Gannet Peak, thru hike the Tahoe Rim Trail / Wind River High Route, climb 40/58 of the Colorado 14,000ft peaks, go on a bikepacking trip and bring home meat during the hunting season. 

Chad doesn’t run low on ambition or setting epic goals!

Lastly, we aren’t the only ones raving about the caliber of integrity and personality Chad brings to this community. See a recent testimony below from the people he works with and has made a great impression on.

Happy New Year Fujifilm Fit Nation!

Your growing team at the Suitcase of Courage


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